Manage basic needs assistance programs with countbubble
Reporting your impact is hard when you're juggling spreadsheets.
countbubble makes it easy so you can focus on your mission.
Basic needs assistance programs save time with countbubble
Your social service nonprofit provides essentials for life - hot meals, food for home, clothing, haircuts, diapers, soap, backpacks, and much more.
You track hundreds or even thousands of different people who receive one or more services.
It can be stressful and time consuming for your nonprofit to track all of that data.
Reporting it to your donors can be even trickier if you track data in numerous spreadsheets or even paper files.
Lost time and added stress make it hard to focus on what matters the most - helping people in your community get by and find stability.
How countbubble helps basic needs assistance programs
Tracking and reporting basic needs services is simplified with countbubble.
countbubble helps basic needs nonprofits track services, manage participants, and report your results, and you can do it all faster and easier than using spreadsheets.
You can create as many forms as you need to track services, including:
meals provided in your food pantry
rent or utilities to keep families stable
clothing provided to job seekers
and so much more.
Each form can track one piece of data or dozens. It's up to you.
Our simple reports will help you summarize your services in just a few clicks.
Simple and fast service tracking software
when you need it the most
At the end of the month, money runs out, food runs short, rent is due soon, and you get really busy.
You care about each person you see, but you are hustling to get things done so the line (and the wait) doesn't get too long.
The last thing you want to focus on is tracking data, but data collection is part of the job...part of getting funded... part of learning who you serve.
countbubble was born from our experiences with basic needs services. We have sorted through donating clothing; completed intake on new food pantry families; and stood in those crowded, hot waiting areas.
countbubble enables you to easily record the services your nonprofit provides. Our data tracking tools let you record services quickly and move on.
You spend less time clicking and more time interacting with participants.
Start your journey with countbubble
Try countbubble for free for 30 days, or contact us to start a
no-pressure conversation.